Blogger to WordPress Migration Plugin: All WHYs and HOWs

If you run a blog site or you are about to launch one, then you’ve definitely heard about WordPress and Blogger platforms. These two CMSes are extremely popular. In fact, Blogger is a wonderful tool to set up a blog… Continue reading Blogger to WordPress Migration Plugin: All WHYs and HOWs

Wix to WordPress Migration Plugin: In-depth Review

When it comes to the web-presence, it is of great importance to pick and run your site on the right CMS platform. Choosing between Wix and WordPress can be a tough decision due to the fact that both of them… Continue reading Wix to WordPress Migration Plugin: In-depth Review

Preserving Your SEO Value When Migrating a Website

CMS migration can be a complicated process from SEO point of view. It is crucial for any website owner to accurately and flawlessly migrate the data since any error can cause the loss of traffic and revenue. The most significant… Continue reading Preserving Your SEO Value When Migrating a Website

Seven SEO Essentials You Need For Optimizing Your Website

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a strategy that helps a website get higher rankings in search engines. SEO enables a site to get more traffic which in turn can be successful sales or leads. Cross-device Compatibility When you start… Continue reading Seven SEO Essentials You Need For Optimizing Your Website

Drupal to WordPress Migration: 4 Things to Get Right

Taken the W3Techs latest stats on WordPress market share – 58.8% as of 27, February, 2017 , it seems that it is clearly set on capturing the whole industry and becoming its one and only king platform. In spite of… Continue reading Drupal to WordPress Migration: 4 Things to Get Right

Are You Improving Your UX with CMS?

As the name suggests, a CMS, as the abbreviation for “a content management system” should be helpful in dealing with content that needs to be added to the website. Modern CMSs go far beyond just managing content. They allow creating… Continue reading Are You Improving Your UX with CMS?

Warmest Easter Wishes From aisite Team!

aisite wishes you to spend this marvelous day filled with hope, joy, and love in the company of your dearest ones. Our team takes every chance to make your Easter website dreams come true and works hard towards improvement every… Continue reading Warmest Easter Wishes From aisite Team!

aisite Updated. Meet totally new CMS migration process

What day is today? Right, today aisite has updated its migrating mechanism at the same time making the data transfer process smoother. We’ve made major changes from the back to the front-end of our migration Wizard 🙂 Now converting from… Continue reading aisite Updated. Meet totally new CMS migration process

A-Few-Minutes’ Task: Moving Content To A New Website With aisite [+Guide]

If you’ve picked our service to settle the CMS migration issues and move your Existing website’s content to the New one (thanks for your choice, by the way :)), there is one big thing in the switch process, you should… Continue reading A-Few-Minutes’ Task: Moving Content To A New Website With aisite [+Guide]

Set Your Ambition Level for Page Speed Performance [+Pro Tips]

Recently we’ve got a chance to meet Daniel Corin-Stig, CEO of White Label Agency, an ‘everything-about-WordPress’ company. This wasn’t a chance meeting for sure since the tips which Daniel has shared with us can make your website a real superhero.… Continue reading Set Your Ambition Level for Page Speed Performance [+Pro Tips]