WordPress 4.4 “Clifford”: Satisfaction Vs. Sentiment

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

Version 4.4 of WordPress, named “Clifford” in honor of jazz trumpeter Clifford Brown, is now available! 

News Highlights

With every CMS release, we comb over its features to ensure you get the most of the greatest news and innovations. This time, we are to take a tour on what’s in the latest WordPress 4.4.

The version 4.4, named “Clifford” features updates focused on REST API infrastructure, responsive images, oEmbed for WP, and the new Twenty Sixteen default theme.

WordPress REST API in Core

Undoubtedly, the hottest news is that the REST API has been officially merged into WordPress core. This is a great step forward for the development.

WordPress API exposes a simple yet easy interface to WP Query, the posts API, post meta API, users API, revisions API and many more. What does this mean for you? In other words, expect to see more powerful plugins, new ecstatic themes and applications that don’t even appear to be powered by WordPress.

Read all about the inclusions of API for WordPress 4.4 in the WP Core Blog and take a look at Ryan McCue’s 34928 changeset that makes this all possible.

Twenty Sixteen Default Theme

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For non-developers, the most obvious addition to greet is the new default theme Twenty Sixteen. It is a modern take on a classic blog design. With its minimalism, great typography, and well structuralization, the theme is completely compatible with all screen sizes and was built to provide a mobile-first and totally responsive approach.

Embed WordPress Content

With the latest WordPress Clifford, you can now embed your WP posts on other sites by dropping their URL directly into the editor. Furthermore, WordPress 4.4 now supports five new oEmbed providers: ReverbNation, Speaker Deck, Reddit Comments, VideoPress, and Cloudup.

You can test out the below screenshot in action here.


Responsive Images

WordPress 4.4 also introduces responsive images, which means that 20 percent of the internet is now adopted to be totally responsive in a new manner. Scaling and resizing images automatically based on your screen size, WordPress 4.4 takes an absolutely fantastic and totally responsive design approach.

To learn more about how all this works, click here.

If you pay attention to all the latest changes surrounding WordPress innovations, you might take use of our servise. At aisite, our goal is to make CMS conversion as smooth and painless as possible, taking the weight of coding out of your shoulders.

Desire to test all the advantages of the awesome version of WordPress Clifford? Do it right away.

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