WordPress 3.9 Beta 1: Future Features Outline

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

There’s just a touch left to the new, awe thrilling release of WordPress 3.9, the beta 1 version has been officially unveiled on the 11th March. A few months ago, almost everyone, who has any relation to WordPress universe, was like on a knife edge imagining what new WP release will be look like. The predictions varied greatly – from replicating unicorns to developing new robust features of unbelievable opportunities.

In fact, WordPress 3.9 beta is introduced keeping its best traditions – even more genius simplicity, many newly baked media updates, major design opportunities, generally, a little bit of everything. So, the new upcoming version of world’s well-beloved CMS platform is projected under the plugins-as-features development model. If you haven’t already given a try to test WordPress 3.9 installing it on your computer or in a staging environment, you are welcome to take a glance at major features and enhancements.

WordPress 3.9 Like a Rising Star

Being with Widgets on a First Name Basis

Basically, the essential concept of the new WordPress release is the opportunity to work with the single admin window – you know, like having all the necessary at hand. That is why the live preview of widgets is presented to your attention. Just imagine, you are editing, setting in order, or even adding the new one – everything on a single screen. In order to try this option, you should just activate the Widget Customizer plugin and here’s your simplified content manager.

Music Addicts Would Love WordPress 3.9

Undoubtedly, the developers of CMS platform that is penetrated with the Jazz melodies couldn’t omit the improvements of audio and video representation. So, with the new WP 3.9 release, all the website owners may easily create video and audio playlists. This option is presented as the shortcode and formats such type of content similarly to the image galleries structure. Indeed, nice solution for music dedicated website users.

Improved TinyMCE Works Like a Magic Stick

The WordPress visual editor is based on TinyMCE software that will be updated on the new WP 3.9 version. Despite the fact, that the current editor is more than straightforward and easy to use, with the new WordPress, you’ll get even more space for creation. It allows you to see live gallery previews, add galleries to your posts. Also, keeping the idea of single opened window, you might crop and edit images right in the visual editor.

Technically, it’s just a starting point, WordPress 3.9 is still under development stage and will definitely amaze us with the future options and improvements. Currently, it’s not recommended to install or update your site to this beta version, but you may get it a try on test site.

To conclude, while dreaming about the future WordPress releases, there are always the great pleasant expectations over there. If you are not on this CMS yet, just foresee how your site will look like on WordPress using our super fast Quick Wizard.

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