When Changes Work: Prepare Your Site for 2016

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

As we head into 2016, there are all kinds of recaps and best-ofs at this period of the year. Instead of looking back, we’re jumping ahead and taking a closer look at some of the best techniques to make great changes. Below, we compiled a set of must-do actions to prepare your site for 2016. Go over the following list and benefit from the steps laid out here.

Learn JavaScript, Deeply

If you still haven’t watched (or, at least, read the highlights) from WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg by now, we invite you to listen a great podcast on the latest pressing topic of the year.

The home assignment Matt gave developers at the end of his address, sounds simple and makes sense: “Learn Javascript”. With one thing everyone has been talking about without end (REST API being a part of WordPress Core), it comes as no real surprise that JavaScript will become a major WordPress constituent.

Before diving into online courses  for learning JavaScript, we recommend to watch the latest of WordCamps and see the way Matt forecasts JavaScript and API-driven interfaces to be the future of the platform.

Analyze Your Performance

Another thing you need to take a look at with the beginning of a new year is your old content. Take an opportunity to go over your posts and pages that have performed the best and try to figure out what makes them so effective.

Is there a visual or graphic that’s being so compelling for visitors to click? Is there anything particular on the pages that helps to drive conversions?

Where you also need to go in detail is SEO. If you want to see your site rank and perform well, you must realize that Search Engine Optimization is an ever-changing animal. To stay on top of the latest changes, we would recommend to check this Starter Google Guide with all of the best recent SEO practices.

Fix Mistakes

If you haven’t upgraded your 404 page already, now is definitely the time to fix this. A fun, drawing attention design can make a big difference here.

Lately, we’ve made a compilation with some of the best 404 error pages practices out there. So, if you’re wondering how to to delight visitors with your 404 web failure, check out our short guide here.

To add some custom search to your 404 page, it’s very neat to use relevanssi plugin. To customize it with no coding – the easy way way would be 404page.

Final Words

We hope our post will serve as your small navigation system to prepare your site for future well. We would also love to hear if you have any different ideas of preparations? Tell us your insights and plans for the New Year in the comments below.

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