WordPress is famous for its community, that’s a well-known fact. “There is so much support available to those working in WordPress and all you have to do is accept it”, – said Chris Wiegman in his interview with aisite, and many users will agree with him. Since communication is a strong asset for this platform, creating a conference is a consistent step for such a collaboration. But what is so special about it?
So… What is WordCamp?
– #FactofTheDay at aisite Facebook and Twitter
WordCamp is an informal and community-organized conference, lasting one or more days, which bring WordPress users of all types together. ‘Users of all types’ means exactly what it sounds like, so everyone who uses WordPress is welcome. Basically, this is a meeting for bloggers, designers, developers, authors, marketers, entrepreneurs etc. That’s a great place for networking since the conferences are casual with an affordable entrance fee.
The thing I have learnt over the years is that everyone feels a little awkward at WordCamps so my advice is just to walk up to someone, say hi and ask them how they use WordPress.
Recommends Troy Dean, a co-founder of Video and User Manuals as well as WP Elevation who has attended a large number of WordCamps all around the world.
Christie Chirinos, a Co-owner of Caldera Labs, has her own insight about her first time as a speaker at WordCamp New York City 2016:
To help overcome my stage fright, I had to really actually believe that I had (and have!) something to contribute. You hear this all the time and it sounds like hot air, but it’s not. Changing the mindset from “people are looking at me” to “how can I be the most helpful to this audience” helps lessen your own self-consciousness and your worry about presenting – while also making the experience better for everyone in the room, which is the main thing, really.
Sounds interesting. How can I visit WordCamp?
No matter where you are and what day it is, there’s a big chance WordCamp is happening somewhere near to you today or in a short time. The first WordCamp took place in 2006, and already in 2010 there have been WordCamps on every continent (except Antarctica). The actual information is displayed at WordCamp Central – the official website or you can follow the updates on Twitter.
By clicking on the specific event, you’ll be redirected to a dedicated website where you can find all the information you’re looking for (roadmap, prices, list of speakers, volunteer opportunities etc).
Did you know? WordPress dashboard has a widget with events and news, which also shows the upcoming WordCamps near to your location.
How do people like it?
If you want to feel the atmosphere of the conference then watch the aftermovie of WordCamp Europe 2018:
Do we need to say more? Check out what people say!
Lembras-te daquela foto de grupo que tirámos no WordCamp Lisboa 2019?
Obrigado por teres estado presente.Remember that group photo we took on #WCLisboa 2019?
Thank you for being there. pic.twitter.com/Ns9nW9NyL0— WordCamp Portugal (@WordCampPT) May 21, 2019
We’ve some great action shots of our super friendly and lovely attendees at #WCBRS making friends and swapping stories. So great to see! ? pic.twitter.com/2wnItTPepx
— WordCamp Bristol (@wordcampbristol) May 18, 2019
when you leave a WordCamp and you’re a little sad the WP love is over and you’ve opened your laptop at an airport bar to write some notes and the woman next to you says “Were you just at a WordCamp?”
Yay for chance encounters with women in WordPress #wcoc #wcseattle #WordPress
— Cami Kaos (@camikaos) April 28, 2019
No matter your skill level, WordCamps have something for everyone. These events are a great spot to create the connections, discover technologies and hear about other people’s experience.
If you are not able to attend, then you can visit WordPress.tv and find the awesome WordCamp footage you like or check out the Youtube Live for streaming videos.
Want to share something more? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below!