Top 5 Articles That Left Winter Behind

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Drupal,Joomla!,WordPress

“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
Hal Borland

Finally, it’s spring time! Nevertheless, this winter had a lot of interesting events, and aisite service is not an exception as almost 100 posts have appeared on our blog. That’s why it will be interesting to find out the most read and popular articles of these three frosty and snowy months. So, we are pleased to introduce to you top 5 contributions which are presumed the best.

Content Management Systems Under a Microscope


First of all, let’s talk about this article which comes with the infographic, as there you can find out all the necessary information about popular CMSs, their pros and cons. It is not news that more people prefer visual information, and with that in mind Bluehost company has created an infographic.

Check it up, and find out all the needed information about WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, TYPO3 as the top CMSs nowadays. Don’t wait up, as you may find there the statistic of pricing, distinctive features and main points about each of them right now. In short, just a few minutes and you’ll be armed with all secrets of Content Management Systems.

6 Tips to Make Your CMS SEO-Friendly


One of the main criteria of website success is SEO. In other words, it’s the viability in the search engine market. So, you are welcome to read this post, and check up 6 simple rules how to improve your SEO, and you will be also provide with the compressive overview of Drupal, Joomla and WordPress SE visibility. Furthermore, you will find out which platforms are considered to be the best for SEO. Hence, follow these advices and enjoy the result.

Don’t Be So Serious! It’s WordPress!


Most website owners know WordPress as powerful and flexible platform. It’s seems to be that in such sphere as web creating there is not time for fun, but not with WordPress. This article introduce to us WordPress from the other side, where developers demonstrate their creative and a little bit piece of humor. Take a look at it, and find out what is Hello Dolly, Doodl, Hello Simpsons Chalkboard Gag and etc.

WordPress, Joomla, Drupal Like Three Musketeers?


Have you ever thought about how three of the most used CMSs – WordPress, Joomla and Drupal looked in 17 century. Interesting… Of course it is. The aim of this article is to satisfy a longstanding curiosity. So, take a look at it and find out tons of fascinating things of each of these extremely popular and powerful CMSs.

Make Your Joomla Super SEO


This last winter article was posted as a special treat for Joomla followers. According to the fact that SEO is one of the most important points of website management. Everyone is willing to take a top place in search engines ranks, and exactly for this was published post, where you may find useful tips and tricks how to make your Joomla Super SEO.

Such CMS as Joomla is not so SEO friendly by default. Nevertheless, in this piece of aisite blog you’ll find out basic tips and most popular extensions (SH404SEF, Xmap, Artio JoomSEF) that are aimed to expand Joomla SEO visibility.

To Sum Up

So, these top 5 blog pieces that have been recognized by our followers to be the best in winter time. But it is spring now, the time when all come to life, the sun shines, the weather is warming up and the flowers are booming. The same is about our team which is constantly working to improve the quality of the migration process and satisfy the demands of our clients. That is why, keep up following our blog and find out new ideas and tutorials of website migration.

P.S. Still have the HTML website, don’t wait up, move it to WordPress, Joomla or TYPO3 in 15 minutes and enjoy the results.

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