Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My First Blog

Blog,Tips and Tricks

As part of our blog series we are going to explore those mistakes that hold an average blog back from its true potential. If many of the newbies knew how to avoid these mistakes they would definitely have a blog that stands out from the rest and people take notice of.

When people visit your blog for the first time, you have up to 3 seconds to grab their attention before you lose them. Lots of bloggers shoot themselves in the foot by doing some basic errors that make their blog unable to get any real traffic and therefore totally unsuccessful. Here’s a list of 5 things that they probably do wrong on their blogging and how to avoid them.

5 blogging mistakes1. Useless Domain Name

Starting to blog many novices tend to use their personal domain name, like In fact, it’s not a bad thing in case you are, for example, a well-established writer – but when you are just starting out, such kind of domain name says absolutely nothing to potential readers. Consequently, it’s recommended to include a keyword form a niche in the domain name of a blog to be recognized by Google and to draw interest into a site when someone sees a link to it. To reflect it, it’s preferable to have a domain name written like for a target audience grasp the idea of what one is writing about.

2. Poor Writing

To be a successful blogger you need to know what you’re writing about before you jump into blogging. It is always better to follow your passion to find your niche when starting write. Make sure to plan your posts properly and research them well as it is a halfway to writing a good content. Furthermore, forget about short little updates – it’s time to produce longer content covering different problems and providing so much valuable information that people can’t help but share it with their friends. One more important thing about detailed content is that its ranks are higher on Google and therefore it boosts a traffic to your content.

5 blogging mistakes3. Not Working with Traffic

The first thing you need to take serious after good content is quality traffic. If you install Google Analytics, for instance, you can track which topics your readers tend to gravitate towards, where your visitors are coming from, etc. Unless you know that, you are going to have a hard time searching the way to attract more people to your blog.

4. Not Promoting Your Blog

If you’re writing great and worthy content, make sure your blog posts get the attention they deserve. Sharing compelling headlines alongside with intriguing pictures to feature your blog on social media (Facebook, Google+, and Twitter) will not only boost a traffic, but will help readers to get known about your blog.

5 blogging mistakes5. Skipping SEO

Finally, the biggest blogging mistake – lack of proper SEO techniques. Try to follow what power bloggers usually say “Write for humans and not search engines”. With all that content scattering around the web – it’s really a big check to make your content discoverable. Though try to find a balance – keep keywords in mind and do your best focusing around what your readers want to read about. Remember, impressing a reader is far more beneficial (even for SEO) than impressing search engines.

With that in mind, it’s time to look at your blog in a new way, fix some errors and make your online presence more successful than ever before.

Do these mistakes sound familiar to you? Are there any other errors that you’d like to add to the conversation? Please share it in the comments.

In case, you find it impossible to blog successfully with your current CMS solution – don’t hesitate to switch to another one with the help of aisite. The service ensures all your content (including pages, posts, comments, etc) to be converted to another platform as seamless and error-free as possible.

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