Static HTML vs Dynamic CMS: Choosing the Right One

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Drupal,HTML,Joomla!,WordPress

If you run a website or see beyond to do this, then you have heard about the ways of the site creation. Technically, there are two outcomes – building a website using HTML web-programming language or developing a site on CMS. Both of these courses have their pros and cons which should be properly analyzed in order to develop and manage a web project with bells and whistles.

Even if you run a website but now have eyes for the new one, then now it is also possible to convert it to the one you’ve liked. In other words, it is possible to convert your current HTML site to Joomla, WordPress and many other CMSs with ease.

Custom Code Overview

So, static HTML or CMS? To make the right choice let’s discuss their pros and cons. We will begin with HTML website due to the fact that it has appeared earlier.



If you are going to create a simple site, then it will be easier to write a custom code than to install a CMS. To create a static website may not cost you a thing but to maintain such site can be very expensive. You will have to hire programmers each time you want to perform some changes to your web project.
It is possible to develop and add any kind of functionality to your website. It is a well-known fact that you have stricter control over the file structure, design, and SEO. Although it is possible to customise your web project to fit your needs, there is the necessity to have deep coding knowledge. But even then there is the risk to make a mistake and to damage the code.
A static site is lighter than a website built on CMS and this makes it faster. Various plugins or extensions are not available for a static HTML site. In case you want some, then you will have to code every piece of functionality.
If the website is not very big, it is easier to make some changes, modifications and to customise it according to your needs. It is possible to design each page of HTML site in a different way with the available templates. But it will be your job to code in and around the template for each page.

CMS Platform: Ready for the Analysis

Now it is time to move to the next part of our analysis and discuss CMS platform.



It is easy to create and manage a website built on CMS. This is a great solution for lay users without any technical skills due to the fact that there is an already made pattern for the website. In this case, all you have to do is just to add the content. It is easier to set up a website on CMS but there are lots of them and each one requires the different level of coding knowledge but at least not such skills that you will need to create a static HTML website.
To start a website on CMS may cost you more money but it is much cheaper to add different functionality to it that to an HTML site. The pre-built CMS is full of overhead code which makes it run slowly and consume a lot of server resources.
Lots of plugins, modules, extensions, skins, templates, themes, etc are at your service when you use a content management system. Moreover, it is easy to add new functionality. Although tons of modules are at your disposal, they may be buggy and insecure. Plus, it will be better if you make sure that the version of the CMS you use is appropriate for this or that plugin.
All the changes and customisations will take less time with CMS than with HTML site. It is because you will have already made patterns where all you have to do is to make some modifications. In general, it can be called 2-in-1.
Compare to a static HTML website, there is no need to do all that tedious coding work on CMS-built site. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to pay more attention to the content of your web project, but software.
It is possible to find all the necessary information on the forums almost each CMS provides its users.

So, now you have all the necessary information about HTML language and CMS platforms to make the right choice and select one which will suit you to a tee. These are some reasons to pick one or another:html to drupal, joomla, wordpress

  • If your site is going to be small then it should be built with the help of HTML web-programming language.
  • In case you don’t feel the necessity of the functionality CMS platform offers you then you should definitely choose HTML.

  • But if you want a site that is easy to manage and make various customizations, then CMS platform will fully suit your needs.

Summing Up

Now you are ready to make the right choice. If your final decision is CMS platform then you should know that there is the fully automated way to convert your HTML to WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. With aisite service it will be easily and extremely fast to perform the HTML to Joomla or WordPress migration.

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