Olympic Battle: Joomla Myths Collapse


Frankly speaking, to reach the highest peak of the Olympic website management, you do not have to possess the programming skills or ground experience of web page running. First of all, to take place of Zeus website mastery, you should break all controversials of your Joomla CMS platform.

Considering Joomla software, we may say that it takes up the respectful place on Olympus among other CMSs. It may boast the characteristics of all ancient Greek gods and goddesses including its Hestia-hearth user friendly functions, Athena-wisdom plugins and modules, and Aphrodite-beauty templates.

Throughout the history of Joomla existence a lot of stories and myths appeared that are not always true and fair ones because of Joomla’s god-haters or toadies. Let’s expose and simplify the true Joomla and find out whether it’s good for us or not.

Myth 1# Joomla Dionysus – Friendly Functions

Many consider Joomla user friendly platform. It’s true, if you’re aware of all CMS hints and tricks and computer programming in general. That’s why this myth should be shattered. If you are just on the way of website running, you’d better to look for more user friendly software, and be sure you will find it.

Myth 2# Joomla Demeter – Poor SEO

First of all, to discuss this problem, we have to get the main point of SEO notion. The essence of SEO friendly website is not actually the choice of the platform. SEO operation depends on your website running – the use of keywords, internal links structure, SEO-friendly URLs, etc. Speaking about Joomla, it enhances all the opportunities to get to Google top 10 ranking.

Myth 3# Joomla Ares –  K2 to Joomla Import – No Way

Today, Joomla K2 is one of the top extension that lots of users import their data to. But, because of the lack of Joomla K2 knowledge or experience, sometimes people get frustrated and want to get back to their simple Joomla version. And here, they may be stuck with a problem: how to export K2 content back to previous Joomla?

If you are a newbie at Joomla management,  you will spend a lot of time for migration and this might be hard to do manually. But, still we may shatter the myth of tough Joomla migration. To import K2 content back to Joomla is quite uncomplicated with the automated migration service that moves data like Arthemis-hunter sends arrows – directly from K2 to Joomla CMS.

Myth 4# Joomla Hades – Update Problems?

Many think that with Joomla new version release the site upgrading is urgence. In fact, this is not totally true, as major Joomla versions are very different and update is actually a migration. If you want to upgrade your Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 or 3.0, you should know that some Joomla 1.5 extensions may be not supported in Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 – and you will have to look for similar ones. So,  hold your ground, don’t complicate your website running, if update is not absolutely vital and you’re not sure about how it is going to turn out. In case of the pressing need to upgrade your Joomla, take a look at this instruction.

On the whole, we have looked through the ancient Joomla myths that might cause some misunderstanding or mislead. Consequently, Joomla website running is definitely not the Prometheus’ punishment – this platform opens a huge scale of development for your website.

So, with your Joomla CMS, you may totally gain the Olympic recognition and prosperous website development. If you’d like to change your current CMS to Joomla or even upgrade your Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 or 3.0 version, use aisite online migration service. Just start your Demo Migration and take up the highest peak of Joomla website Olympus.

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