New Boundary-Pushing WordPress Size, Ranked

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

Look, we don’t know a ton about WP stats, but we do know this: WordPress 4.3 has been downloaded 27,352,972 times for now.

When WordPress CMS first debuted in 2003, it was pitched as a technology that would change the world of online publishing forever. And in many years, it’s delivered on that promise. As in, these days, almost no content management systems are built without the aim to simplify the tough.

Recently, KitchensinkWP, posted a podcast featuring the interview with the founder, Matt Mullenweg, who stated that WP is aiming for 50% market share.

An in-depth look and analysis of the CMS shows that WordPress claims a 25% share (right now). So, we’ve decided to delve into statistics to find out more on how WordPress adapt to hit the set up target.

Case in point: if you’re about to ask is it an incredible sum — 25% of web market share is huge (considering the fact that 59% of websites do not use CMS at all). We have some further thoughts, and here’re a few.


Apparently, you don’t age out of statistics, so we want to freshen up your mind.

For one, the figure of 25% comes from W3Techs’. According to their calculations, a quarter of the websites they’ve monitored, use WordPress.

For another, not all websites use a CMS — to be more specific, 59% don’t.  

The even more marvel side of this stats, is W3Techs’ further metrics. Let us preface this by saying that Joomla! has pretty much green light in the modern CMS rankings. Being the second most popular online solution, the percentage of 2.8 in comparison with WordPress 25%, rather pales. Now here’s the fun part, considering migration trends, while WordPress’ use is booming, Joomla’s definitely seems to decline. So what to expect next?

Below, we attach a chart with this compilation leads (based on W3Techs’), so you could see the CMS image more wide.



In one of the most bizarre, interesting, and huge CMS market share plans ever, WordPress size seems to increase even more. Of course, no one could say for sure that Matt’s predictions will actually happen, but his plan seems to be quite convincing. What’s more, that’s startling for a couple of reasons: plugins, languages, perspective. By providing functionality through improved plugins, WordPress proves to be better than the standalone platforms even more. With its support for many languages, there’s a good chance it will become internationally and widely-used for an extra diverse range of plans. And, lastly, but on top of that all, WordPress continues to provide its worth as a modern and perspective platform — things it is already to do well, improve with each WordPress release for best.

Finding the right CMS is a big undertaking — and potentially an expensive one. If you’re looking to spend even a little bit on a new CMS and still don’t know which one is the right for you — make sure it’s an accurate projection of your charming ideas by testing it for FREE with aisite.

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