Migration to WordPress 3.8 is Supported by aisite

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The new version of WordPress 3.8 has been released on 12th of December and here we are, aisite support the migration to the newest one already. So, go ahead and set up the migration to WordPress 3.8. and check out all the fresh features as soon as possible.

So the new WordPress 3.8 has several of the features and all this changes can be seen with a naked eye:

  • Admin design has been rearranged, so it has a modern look now.
  • The dashboard homepage has been refreshed and poked.
  • 8 administration theme colors to select from in your profile.
  • New default theme, Twenty Fourteen which is magazine-styled
  • The view on a tablets and smartphones is more usable now.

If you consider the new WordPress 3.8 interesting, then migrate to it with aisite. With this migration tool, you are able to move your website from different CMS platforms to WordPress 3.8 in a few minutes. Do not hesitate and set up the migration right now, you won’t regret it.

Estimate Your Migration Price

I want to migrate:
Please Enter the Number of Forums
Please Enter the Number of Forums Topics
Please Enter the Number of Forums Posts
Please Enter the Number of Pages & Posts
Please Enter the Number of Users
Please Enter the Number of Comments
Please Enter the Number of Taxonomy
Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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