Migrate from Medium and Open New Horizons With WordPress

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Helpful Tips,Tips and Tricks,WordPress

For fresh internet users, deciding to launch an online site is an excitingly fascinating time. By the nature of the case, it’s also a new destination and even the most ambitious site builders inevitably face one and the same problem: What CMS to choose?

Coming up with platform ideas may be a challenging task. Though there is no lack of possibilities. When comparing 2 web solutions Medium and WordPress – it should be mentioned that whatever pros the first one might have it doesn’t really matter. As long as Medium’s shutdown is too close on the horizon – your ultimate choice should definitely fall into WordPress. Know why? Let’s figure out.

Before mentioning the most shining features of WordPress, note that there are too many of them to be listed here. So, let’s focus on the ones that stand out specifically:

  • Versatility (create not only blogs, but also full-featured websites, ecommerce sites, expanded web projects and much more).
  • Total control (website content is totally under your control).
  • Gazillion of templates and plugins (you may make WP site look and feel as required).
  • Easy-to-use CMS (no special skills required to get started).
  • SEO-friendly URLs and sitemaps (with WP you may get lost because of the abundance of plugins available).

Got intrigued? No matter whether you’re currently using Medium or thinking to join this piece of software – you definitely should gave up on that idea and migrate to its worthy alternative – WordPress.

Take a look on our prezi and see one of the easiest and codefree ways to switch throughout these platforms:

Decided to convert your Medium to WordPress? Do not postpone these decision for ages, take the advantage of aisite automated migration tool and convert your site into WordPress completely free and quickly.

Estimate Your Migration Price

I want to migrate:
Please Enter the Number of Forums
Please Enter the Number of Forums Topics
Please Enter the Number of Forums Posts
Please Enter the Number of Pages & Posts
Please Enter the Number of Users
Please Enter the Number of Comments
Please Enter the Number of Taxonomy
Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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