Joomla to WordPress Migration Plugin: The Comprehensive Overview [+Infographic]

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Joomla!,WordPress

The world is the place of constant improvement and change and that is why more and more content management systems are appearing on the Internet. But nevertheless, there are some platforms which are considered to be the most popular and powerful among the others. WordPress and Joomla belong to this tight circle.

If you are going to be a website owner, then it will be interesting for you to find out the reasons of their popularity. So, let’s have a brief overview of Joomla and WordPress.

Joomla is an open source and free CMS which can be used for many purposes. It is possible to build different types of website on this platform. Moreover, there are lots of free and paid extensions which you can utilize in order to expand the functionality of your web project. But some people find this opportunity overwhelming. In other words, they think that there are too many extensions, functions, etc, and that it is too easy to get dizzy and be spoilt for choice. Plus, creating and running a website on Joomla requires a steep learning curve.

WordPress on the other hand is considered to be the most user-friendly CMS. It means that this platform is extremely easy to use. There is no need to have any coding skills to run a site on this CMS and even a schoolboy can manage with this task. WP comes with many plugins with the help of which it is possible to make almost everything.

So, now you know the main differences between these two platforms. In case you are the owner of site on Joomla and now you want to change it, then it is time to migrate your content from Joomla to WordPress. With nowadays technology it is possible to make the switch in a fully automated way. In other words, you can use this aisite: Automated Joomla to WordPress Migration plugin. Check up this infographic to find out the steps you will have to make in order to perform the conversion automatedly, accurately and fast.


Now, when you have learned the reasons of the WordPress conversion and checked out the step-by-step guidance of Joomla to WordPress migration, don’t hesitate any longer and perform the switch right away!

Estimate Your Migration Price

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Please Enter the Number of Forums Topics
Please Enter the Number of Forums Posts
Please Enter the Number of Pages & Posts
Please Enter the Number of Users
Please Enter the Number of Comments
Please Enter the Number of Taxonomy
Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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