HTML based websites and those built with the help of Joomla come from two different epochs! First ones are static, means that the content inserted on those pages will be completely the same for all the visitors. While the second ones are dynamic, thus the page and content structure will look different depending on what operating system, device or even the browser your visitor uses. HTML websites offer you to imply some changes only in a manual way using code. While in Joomla case, if you seek the opportunity to transform something, you simply do it via admin panel, for instance. Less coding, less buzzing, right? Well, let’s discuss it in details.
Pss, if you are curious, we’ve already revised how it feels to have a site based on HTML vs. having your project managed by CMSs.
HTML or not HTML that’s the question
Judging by the web owners experience gained from all over the world, it seems like using HTML language to build your website is a neat option, simply because it’s reliable! It’s definitely harder to hack such site, while Joomla open-sourceness makes it a bit more vulnerable to web violations. Plus, creating a website page by page gives you a super-formula of control! You are to manage website design, content structure, and even the SEO options.
Talking about SEO, did you know how crucial your website speed may be for search crawlers? That’s right, Google evaluates your website’s loading time, and then makes the general conclusion whether your project worth being placed on the 1st results page. In this case, possessing HTML based site is beneficial. Since such websites have neither database nor server scripting, they don’t load, they fly!
“But if HTML is so good, why do we need Joomla?” – You can ask me. Well, after digging deeper, you realize that there are drawbacks hidden under the perfect HTML surface.
M-A-N-U-A-L-L-Y. Prepare yourself to experience the full specter of this word while working with HTML websites. You will constantly use the code when trying to edit the post or change design. Also, there is no way you can easily update some feature from your website functionality list, there are no extensions/plugins available for HTML websites and what’s even worse – if you don’t have divine in-depth coding skills, there is absolutely no way, you will turn your HTML canvas into web masterpiece.
Moreover, optimizing the site according to SEO standards may be challenging. You will have to do everything…guessed how? Manually! Modify every title, head, image alt and canonical tag, manage meta description for every significant piece of info and code, code, code.
Plus, maintaining HTML website can cost a fortune, taking into consideration hosting provider, professional designer, and trustworthy support. And in case, you are a novice to the whole website kind of a topic, you’d need a skilled developer on your side ready to help you to create a site according to your vision.
Note: life is too short to read the full article, plus you already know what you want, right? Migrate from HTML to Joomla now!
Joomla saves the day
While building your website with the help of HTML requires using the code and only, Joomla gives you two choices! Since It’s pretty user-friendly CMS, it provides you with the neat text editor: just copy and paste your article, and it’s ready to go. Though, if you are willing to modify the code for posts, it’s also possible. Taking into consideration that Joomla is also an open-source platform, you can do that not worrying about licensing fee.
Moreover, Joomla has nice extensions in its directory. They help to enlarge your website functionality in an almost effortless way. For instance, its popular extension K2. Imagine that you are using nearly the same Joomla text editor but with a great number of additional fields for, for example, article images, videos, image galleries, and attachments. With this extension, you will be able not only to create the content of higher quality but also give your website a real magazine/portfolio look. Hey, according to Joomla, even the Gorillaz are using this extension!
And the cool extensions don’t end there! Back up your web project, establish a forum, set up an online store or make your site a mobile-friendly one! I bet you’ll fail to leave Joomla Extensions Directory without any downloads.
What else can Joomla boast about? Though it’s considered to be suitable for newbies, it still can turn into a robust tool in developer’s hands. There is a large Joomla community out there to help you out in any situation. And the cherry on the top – it’s amazingly easy to update your Joomla website.
What Joomla lacks then? You may face conquering a slight learning curve while using Joomla for the first time. Also, using too many extensions may affect your website negatively, they don’t always combine well with each other. And, well, you may find the number of extensions a bit poor in comparison to other CMSs, let’s say WordPress. Though, it’s better than none, as in static HTML case, right?
Final words
As you can see, there is a distinctive difference between using HTML and Joomla. You are the one to deсide which is better for your web project. Though remember if you’ve changed your mind considering which tool to use, you can always switch it. Migrate HTML to Joomla with the help of aisite and get all of your content moved effortlessly! Run a free Demo first, to check out the renewed look of your site!