How to Keep Your WordPress Website Updated While You’re On Vacation: Tutorial

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

When you are running a small business WordPress website or keeping a blog for pleasure, it frequently happens you have way less time for them than you’ve ever imagined. The routine maintenance and continuous desire to improve the design and functionality eat up a significant amount of time you could use for writing for your website. However, if you fail to post new content regularly, your career of a blogger or website owner quickly comes to an end, and your readers will leave, disappointed with the prolonged silence.

This is also a problem for those seeking some breakaway from “civilization”, like computers and phones, or simply want to take some time off all the chores.

But losing something you’ve been working on for a while or you simply enjoy doing doesn’t look like a great perspective. So, many bloggers have found the way out. They write posts in bulk. Why not? Whenever you manage to find a few spare hours, it’s a good idea to concentrate on writing new posts for your site. It often happens that the inspiration gets stronger after you start working. This way, you work more effectively as you don’t have to “tune” yourself before writing each post. Plus, you can prepare enough content for the time when you will be on vacation and not have to worry about your website feeling abandoned.

There is a drawback to this method, however. Posting a few articles at a time and then keep silent for a while isn’t a good practice. Readers seldom have time for more than one post to look through. They would prefer to visit your site a few times a week and always find some new post to devour. Google also loves frequently updated websites, giving them better rankings.

The dilemma is easily solved thanks to the WordPress scheduling capability, letting you postpone content publishing and get it live on a specific date and time,regardless whether you are online or

However, you would quickly get bored to open each post (especially if you worked hard and wrote a good deal in advance) and set up a specific publishing time or spend a few minutes each day, scheduling new posts after old ones get published. Naturally, it’s not much of a problem, but if there was a possibility to save your time and efforts for the job, would you use it? If you say, “Yes”, the rest of the post is worthy your attention.

Step-by-step guide on bulk scheduling posts in WordPress

If you’ve got several posts already saved in Drafts, revised, edited and totally good to go, don’t hurry to start scheduling them as you usually do. Let’s look at a very simple way to schedule WordPress posts in bulk via a special plugin.

  1. Go to WordPress plugin directory, find  Drafts Scheduler plugin, install and activate it.
  2. Once done, it will be available under Posts menu in your WordPress dashboard. Open the plugin by going to Posts > Drafts Scheduler
  3. Select the right post type (post/page). If you leave this option out, by default it’ll be set to posts.
  4. Set up the start date, which will be the first day of the period during which your posts will be published.
  5. Indicate the posting order and interval. By this, you choose how often you want your blog updated and what posts to publish. You can have the plugin grab posts for publication randomly or in sequential order from oldest to newest.
  6. If you love surprises, this plugin has got something for you. It offers you the option of totally random posting. You only have to select the start and end date and indicate the number of posts you want to be published a day. The rest will be taken care of by the plugin.
  7. Once done with the settings, click Schedule Drafts button, and you can relax and switch off the computer, because all our new content will be published exactly the way you want it to. Still, it’s recommended that you check whether the things work properly during the first couple of days, just in case.
  8. If you ever need to make changes to the schedule or cancel it altogether, again go to Posts > Draft Scheduler and click Undo Schedule button.

Well, now you know a small hack that can save your time with WordPress. We’d be happy to know how helpful you find this plugin and what other tips you wish to share with our audience, so you’re welcome to leave your comments below.

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