Drupal is well-known and widely-used content management system. A huge part of Internet users turn to this platform to settle their web projects on. For now, more than 730 000 websites are built with the help of Drupal. What exactly makes this platform so popular? Here is a couple of its advantages:
Feature Rich. Drupal has a lot of features out of the box. Even after the installation you can build a website, a forum or a blog without additional modules.
Flexible Content Management. Creating and managing content is not a tricky thing with the latest version of Drupal. You can use WYSIWYG editor to copy/paste text, add/move images and embed videos.
Scalable Improvement. Drupal marketplace provides a big variety of modules and components. 7000+ plugins can help to expand the functionality of your website and increase the level of security.
Strong Community. Drupal’s army of contributors is always ready to help you with the development and bug-fixing. You can find a solution for any problem that occur while working with this CMS.
The platform has many other benefits which make managing of the site more convenient. Guys from magiclogix.com created a great infographic about Drupal. They made their best including a short information about the history of the CMS and comparison with the other leaders of the web market, such as WordPress and Joomla. The infographic also shows cases when Drupal is not the best choice to build a website. So, enjoy the infographic and decide which platform is the most suitable for your web project.

If you already use Joomla or WordPress, you can easily move the content to Drupal and enjoy all its bells and whistles right now with aisite.