Dose 15: Most Wanted Articles of 2015

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews

Success is never easy — it starts with a small problem, impacting a lot of people, that no one has worked out (or cared enough) to solve.

It’s been a year since we’ve compiled our last articles roundup, and, frankly, it’s been tough not to share more. So, we’ve had the time to amplify the good and reconsider a great question:

“Why should you like us?”

Applying stats into a severe analysis, we’ve found out 15 reasons which brought us to success. Now, when the time has finally come up to target, we want to retrograde and enjoy 😉

#1 Interview with AJ Zane

If you’ve been wondering what WordPress Achilles heel is, check AJ Zane’s interview dedicated to the topic.

#2 10 WordPress Plugins Just for Fun

Haven’t heard of having fun with WordPress CMS? Catch up the topic in the review of some astonishing plugins for a rewind and joke.

#3 New First Impressions Vs. Lasting Impact

People don’t buy facts. They buy the mind & feeling. – proves Matt Mullenweg and he’s right. Check out the new review and make sure that this truth applies widely.

#4 Interview with Ben Fox

In this recent talk with FlowPress co-founder, WP University, and business pro, learn how to use something new and make a good sidekick.

#5 The CMS SEO Requirements Checklist

SEO rating is needed to know. Experience which strategies are worthy ones and what constitutes a good optimization for your CMS.

#6 The Ultimate Competition: WordPress vs. Joomla [Infographic]

Stop comparing WordPress and Joomla! Or at least make it ultimately for sure. Take the chance to find out which CMS is better and join the discussion in the comment section below.

#7 Pimp My Site (WordPress Cool Things You’re Probably Ignoring)

When you allow yourself to be inspired by WordPress, you can find it everywhere. Discover how to take the most of this CMS and some cool things you didn’t know before. 

Untitled design

#8 Interview with David Bisset

If you’re willing to get some pro inspiration for your designing and development efforts — explore the wise pieces of advice of David Bisset. We hope you find it worthy and enjoy.

#9 The Plugin Paradox

This winter we went on a search. Is less always more, and can this be applied to plugins. We’ve come up to debate: will too many plugins break your site? Guess what? You’d be wrong.

#10 Interview with Jean Galea

Check out wether it’s hard or not to imagine the web world without WordPress in our frank talk with a man, who truly believes in breaking the conventions — Jean Galea.

#11 Let 404 Error Page Hypnotise You

Just admit it, you wish to come across a 404 error page providing it was one examineв in this post 

#12 Women CMS Heroes [Infographic]

The biggest CMS heroes of all times – can women top it? Explore the value of women in the man occupied industry of tech.

#13 What is Robots.txt in WordPress & How to Optimize It for SEO

To continue the topic of SEO, we decided to talk about one of the most controversial SEO tools — robots.txt. Learn what is it, why do you need one and how to create it for WordPress. 

#14 Drupal to WordPress Conversion: Cut It Fine

There are many aspects to take into account when operating your CMS. Along with its functionality, you should also know how to do things faster, minimizing your efforts. Interested to find out more? Do this by reading our fine piece on the topic of Drupal to WordPress conversion.

#15 ‘The Big 3′ CMS: Choose Your Monster Wisely

Fancy reading something for fun? Combine it with wise and give a try to ‘The Big 3’ CMS monsters.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the interests our visitors have themselves, helps us to make the content they eager and rely on. Thanks for being with us in this productive year of posts. In 2016, we promise to mature and satisfy you more 

As anyone who has played chess will tell you: every move must have an aim, we also want you to have one great of yours. In case you want to test where the move of CMS will take you, everything you’ve got to do is CLICK 😉

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