CMS Trends: Will 2014 Amaze Us

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As the holiday season is coming till the end, and we will face with the reality of being back to work. So the year of 2014 is here already, and there are a lot of CMS trends predictions and expectations for the future. There are numbers of hypotheses concerning such issues as, what the sphere of content management system will dominate and how the upcoming innovations will influence on our life, virtual life. We have to admit that in such a changing and adaptable world and it has never been before, one year is a prolonged time and everything might change. Thus, we have prepared a couple of fascinating trends to anticipate this year.

The Domination of WordPress

WordPress is a market leader and the most installed CMS in the world. The new 3.9 version is almost at the threshold, and all the WP lovers, fans, and users are in anticipation of improved features and opportunities. Currently WordPress is the most used CMS and from day to day the gap between WP and its closest competitors is rapidly increasing.

The secret of WP success is obviously in its usability. With a simple installation and accurate interface it is a platform that fits any requirements of professional website. WordPress release updated versions regularly. The market share of this CMS grows constantly because the most trended websites are those that simple for navigation but elegant at the same time.

From Vast Choice to Wider Alternatives

It’s predicted that a number of CMS players will increase a little. There are a few releases announced on January, and the most awaited: the introduction of Crafter CMS will be held on January, 10, dynamic website builder Alfresco will be on market on January, 22, expected by many Liferay will hit the road at the end of the month, and it’s only the starting point.

Therefore in this severe competition we will see who will grow and who will lose its positions on the field.

Data Life Cycle

aisite-cms+crmFor now, content management is not a single pages creation and website development it is far beyond it. Those days you create a content, promote with the multiples channels, then track and measure the results, etc. There are allocated seven stages of content life cycle: Organization – Workflow – Creation – Repository – Versioning – Publishing – Archives. Therefore, expect some invention with built-in functionality which will support the full content lifecycle.

CRM + CMS = Explosion Load

And the last words, when you speak about the future, dare to make the bold wishes. What if the CMS platform may be integrated together with the CRM (customer relationship manager)? This would definitely change the website development groundly. Just imagine, the site owner won’t need any additional tools for promotion, SMM, email marketing, analytics etc. everything within a single dashboard.

And now, you are aware more or less what to anticipate and how it is going to be. Now, decide for yourself, whether you will stay still or keep up with the time. Maybe you have to change CMS or add functionality to your website or concentrate on the content, it is all up to you.

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