It’s CMS Digest time! Make yourself comfortable and get ready for a fresh portion of super useful info. Today we are going to talk about MONEY! (Hope I’m not an only one who sang ABBA’s song now) 🤑🤑🤑
Actually, the Corona crisis made an impact on every sphere of our lives, starting from the job, and finishing with the entertainment we got used to. And the question of additional profit is up-to-date for everyone. That’s why in today’s edition of CMS Digest we have prepared a collection of helpful tips about ways for making money online in 2020.
Here we go! ⬇️
For many years lots of people consider making money online to be an unreliable and not serious source of profit. But time flies and the world is changing constantly. People sell their knowledge and time, and even hobbies can be a great way of earning money. had collected the experience of successful persons and presented 12 Ways one can make money online. Follow all of them carefully and you will find the one that suits you best for sure!
Preforession of bloggers gained tons of popularity recently. People share their lifestyles, fashion ideas, travels and so on, at the same time make their living. Perfect combo, I guess. 🤔 We offer you to learn 11 the most popular ways of monetizing a blog. Of course, it depends on what niche in the blogging field you took, but the list is really considerable, thus anyone will find a suitable one.
Have you ever thought about Affiliate marketing? Today it is one of the best ways to monetize your blog, especially when you don’t sell products or services. Joining an affiliate program can get you exclusive access to new content and special deals for your audience and still, all while earning you more money. Find out 44 of the Best Affiliate Programs and open the highest commission.
Info products rock, especially during the quarantine period. If you consider yourself as a qualified and professional person, there’s always a chance for additional income. Neil Patel shared with the audience his personal experience and revealed the idea of his own business that makes $381,722 a month. Just WoW! 🤩 It would be unwise not to use Neil’s tips.
Want to Earn More Online? Let’s Talk About Conversions. It’s not a straight way of earning money, but rather a good checklist on how to earn more. Yes, conversion matters and it’s something you have always to work on. Thinking in terms of conversions goes beyond the narrow scope of just sales. It expands the scope to every single customer touchpoint where they interact with the brand. That’s why it’s so vital to care about it and try all the possible ways of conversion boost.
We know you are waiting for a bonus. And here it is! 🎉
Lot’s of us stuck at home offices and despite all the advantages remote work opens, we still miss funny team buildings and noisy meetings. Why don’t you organize an online team building activity? Drawize can be great entertainment during a stuffed working day. Just 10 minutes of playing this game and a portion of fresh inspiration support you for the rest of the shift. Play at a single-mode or create a room and play with all your teammates. 👫
That’s all for today. Probably the question of money is not #1 for you but in case it is, now you know how to earn more, doing the activities you enjoy.
If you have some more great ideas about online ways of earning money, share in the comments and we will be more than happy to enlarge this post. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram in order not to miss the next CMS Digest. Btw, out Youtube channel always gets bigger with fresh videos 😉