It’s August 17th today! Could you assume what’s so special about this on-going date? You’ve guessed it right! Joomla has turned its 10 successful fruitful years old! Needless to say that this Anniversary is a hugely amazing achievement for all Joomla users, contributors and fans.
Joomla started on August 17th, 2005 when a team of 17 enthusiasts had ventured on a big, bold affair willing to create a seamlessly fresh web option for website building. Users, contributors, developers and friends – each and every member of huge Joomla family – has been assisting this piece of software to make it such a brilliant solution that all of us can joyfully today admire. These days, 10 years after, Joomla has managed to become one of the most stunning CMS solutions that makes millions of users all around the globe gravitate towards it.
To celebrate and honour Joomla’s 10 years birthday – aisite is currently preparing a promising proposal. Got intrigued? Follow our news to be on with our latest details of the fest!
P.S. Seems tempting enough to become a part of Joomla glory, isn’t it? No more excuses for delays! Hurry up to migrate to this amazing platform and taste the joy of being its member!