Blogger to WordPress Migration: Brief and Clear [Prezi]

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

A number of CMSs are increasing day after day, but nevertheless such blogging publishing platforms as Blogger and WordPress are still the market’s leaders. However, currently there are a lot of users who started their site with Blogger, but very soon want to move their data to WordPress. What is the matter? Here’s a brief explanation below.

Blogger Overview

In case, you just started running your blog, more likely this tool is a rather viable solution for you. It’s simple to run because of intuitive interface With drag-and-drop features, you can change the view of your site fastly and effortlessly. Plus, you may edit your the template with CSS.

But as the phrase goes, ‘Every medal has its reverse’, and Blogger is not an exception. Talking about the sphere of Blogger activity should be pointed out that it’s not a professional tool. In comparison to other systems, its functionality is limited by customization ability and design.

WordPress: Final Judgement

Of course, you know that 60 seconds it’s 1 minute, but did you know that 60 seconds equals 50 WordPress downloads?

It should be pointed out that worldwide WordPress is the dominant tool for running simple blogs as well as advanced web projects. It’s widely known that WordPress can offer you tons of features and possibilities to expanded your site functionality.

Make the Conclusion

Now you are aware of main features about these platforms, their pros and cons. In case, you feel that it’s WordPress time, then this Prezi will help you to perform simple and accurate Blogger to WordPress migration.

So, now you know the key points for easy Blogger to WordPress  migration. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. That’s why run free Demo Migration and check out Blogger to WordPress migration right now.

Estimate Your Migration Price

I want to migrate:
Please Enter the Number of Forums
Please Enter the Number of Forums Topics
Please Enter the Number of Forums Posts
Please Enter the Number of Pages & Posts
Please Enter the Number of Users
Please Enter the Number of Comments
Please Enter the Number of Taxonomy
Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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