WordPress vs WiX. The W of Discord

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WiX,WordPress

Among various website building tools, WordPress and WiX are featured as the most user-friendly CMSs. Though, is there a “WordPress vs WiX” rivalry? Both being the prosperous and successful website building platforms, count the splendid amount of built websites: WordPress – more than 17 million, WiX more than 1 million. It’s not for nothing since both platforms are developed for the users of various levels of expertise. It doesn’t matter whether you are estranged from programming and site management or you’re a #1 developer or programmer, WiX and WordPress are preferred by both users categories. Let’s move deeper to the root of WordPress and WiX universal recognition. 

Moreover, could we consider WordPress vs WiX possibility?

What is WordPress?

Virtually, if you are somehow concerned with web management, surely, WordPress is a pretty familiar phenomenon to you. This is a free content management system that reached more than 25% of the total website market share. Basically, because of the user-friendly interface and multiple functionalities at the same time, WordPress may be considered as the favorite child of website owners and is the #1 CMS in running the business, news, and technology websites.

What is WiX?

Honestly, coding, scripting, programming, etc. are the strangers for WiX, the HTML5 web-publishing system. Oriented at non-techies, WiX is an extremely intuitive site-building a utility that allows creating nicely looking websites.  Users say that it’s best compatible with building advertisements, entertainment, and business websites. Today, a lot of people give their preference to WiX because of its simplicity and coding-free functional architecture. Not only this but WiX’s professionally-looking themes (+500) are another reason why people choose this platform.

Let’s get into the actual “WordPress vs WiX”

What’s WordPress Domination?

While comparing WiX to WordPress, the latter counts the following advantages over WiX:

  • User-Friendly Coding

Open Space for Improvement and Growth WordPress allows to create your own website design or install the free or premium ones. You won’t need much time to get used to WordPress coding system.

  • SEO Benefits

Apart from the built-in SEO-friendly functions, like human-readable URLs, per-page customization, WordPress boasts its great amount of third-party SEO tools. For instance, you may implement WordPress SEO by Yoast, All in One SEO Pack, SEOPressor, and many others. While speaking about WiX SEO opportunities, honestly there are several gaps: – most pages are using not SEO link building format – plus there’s a great lack of SEO features in contrast to WP.

  • Сustomization Available

In addition, with WordPress, it’s available to customize your website whatever way you want. It’s possible to make some changes in the backend the way you like, create extra fields – the custom ones, and many other modifications are available here. Moreover, you’ll probably figure something awesome out with +45k plugins.

  • Your Site Unique Character

With WP, you may create a unique website in accordance with your niche and purposes. You’ll always have enough space for your website as well as personal improvements and growth. With +4k themes, it shouldn’t be that boring.

What’s Wix Pre-Eminence?

Comparing to the WordPress content management system, WiX comprises the following website builder advantages:

  • Coding? Not On Your Life

Undoubtedly, WiX gives all the conditions to create your website easily and quickly. You may forget about your coding anxieties; all the management actions are run into a few mouse clicks within a drag-and-drop dashboard. But, usually, it’s not enough for proper website development. Wix doesn’t allow to edit your site HTML or CSS codes. So, you won’t be able to make any peculiar design modifications.

  • Reliable Already Existing Functional Architecture

In contrast to WordPress that comprises and encourages multiple additions of various developers, WiX possesses its single-made coding structure that is controlled by One Development Team. This makes WiX less ‘buggy’ and all the extra tools are fully integrated into their website builder.

  • Template Forever and Ever

In case you choose WiX for your website management, make sure that you’ve made the right decision on your site template. You should know if you choose it once, there won’t be an escape button, you won’t be able to change it to another. So, it’s recommended to try out the new template first before making the final decision and adding your site content.

Summing up, we can see that “WordPress vs WiX” is not so “battle-like.”  if you make just a first step of your web project career, WiX may be an ultimate solution to make the rapid and powerful dash forward. But, if you want to turn your website into something unique and super-robust than WordPress may be your final destination.

In case already run your website on WiX, but want to give a try to WordPress, you shouldn’t worry about starting your site from scratch. You may easily migrate your website from WiX to WordPress with ease and safety. Check out the detailed instruction on how to move Wix to WordPress to see how it works! All you need to do is launch your free Demo Migration with aisite and check up all the WiX conversion steps in a few minutes.

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