Blogging: How to Choose the Right Platform and Make Money


Running a blog is a familiar thing to you? That’s true! The amount of weblog owners are increasing with the lightning speed. Just imagine – every sixth person in the world has their own blog and it’s not the end. Now, let’s pass on from statistics to the core of this blog post: how can you turn your web page into the basis of income? Essentially, we’re going to split up the accents of the main points and see what your blog offer may be, and what is the tool to start from.

Blog Ideas That Make Money

Initially, there is one thing you should always remember – money-maker blog requires your constant daily attention. It’s not enough to add one post per week, the content update should be your regular basis. Now, let’s get to the possible ideas you may use.

  • Offer Your Service
    You should take into consideration that the great website stores usually start from the simple blog startups. Think what you can offer to the public eye, no matter whether it’s a handmade trinket or the new computer development. You start from the plain blog, create the unique brand, and bring your undertaking to the level of an e-store that becomes the core of your regular income. What about this perspective?
  • Place Advertising
    Probably the most accessible way to earn money is to place advertising on your blog. You may proceed with this by using Google AdSense, where you get the offers. You’ll receive the money per click. To be honest, you won’t snatch a large sum of money, but it looks like the easiest way of getting extra income.
  • Join Affiliate Program
    Furthermore, you may join the affiliate program of a particular services you place confidence in. You just direct your blog users to these services and get some percentage of their service purchasing. It takes little efforts and no extra spending. The only thought you have to potter with is the right service that associates with your blog and has the suitable topic.

On the whole, you’ll definitely find the right way to implement your idea of blog income into reality. But, as it was mentioned above, you have to think about the blog building tool as well. To reduce your researches, you’re offered the top CMS platforms for your blog running.

Top CMS Platforms for Starting a Blog

If you just started running your blog, probably service is a rather viable solution: it offers the ease of use, plain dashboard operations, straightforward themings – the stuff but not the fluff. A big advantage of this platform is you don’t have to pay for domain name or hosting, as well as take care of website security or backups. However,  Blogger working scope may be not enough for the advanced professional blog management. In comparison to other platforms, its functionality is limited considering the customization ability and design solutions. Moreover, it lacks SEO abilities of a more advanced platform that make posts well-ranked for a specific phrase.


WordPress seems the buzz word for everyone! These numbers speak for themselves: almost 1,750 themes, 25,000 plugins both for free and on a paying basis. It has the most user friendly interface which is by far it’s biggest strength. At the same time, WordPress is really flexible and gives you much space for development and making your blog function and look the way you want it to. And one more reason why WordPress is considered to be #1 among other CMSs –  this platform is the best in making your SEO efforts successful as it is very well fit for this purpose.


In case you’re a digithead from the roots, you are welcome to start your blog career with Joomla CMS. It surpasses Blogger and WordPress in advanced functionality and flexibility, but is more complicated in use and is a good fit for community or membership sites too. Also, if you decide on running a Joomla blog, consider its Joomla K2 extension that is one of the best extensions for blogs. It boasts an advanced article editor manager that reduce your efforts and time spending significantly. But, also you should take into consideration that you have to learn a lot with Joomla CMS platform.

Running a Site?

If you’re an experienced blogger already and switching to a more advanced CMS platform is your future perspective, there’s a way to move with the least hassle and time wasting!

In case you want to move from Blogspot to WordPress, aisite is the right tool for this task. Accurate and fast data conversion are the main features of the automated migration service. Or, if you are willing to make the huge step forward to the rapid development, it can help convert your blog from Blogger to Joomla.

Sounds good to you? Then, set up the free Demo Migration to see how accurately and smoothly your data will be moved to the CMS platform of your desire. You’re the one building your success, so don’t wait up!

Estimate Your Migration Price

I want to migrate:
Please Enter the Number of Forums
Please Enter the Number of Forums Topics
Please Enter the Number of Forums Posts
Please Enter the Number of Pages & Posts
Please Enter the Number of Users
Please Enter the Number of Comments
Please Enter the Number of Taxonomy
Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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