How to Move Weebly to WordPress with Help of aisite Connector Application

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Weebly,WordPress

Among various website building tools, Weebly is featured as the most user-friendly platform. There are reasons for it – Weebly gives a possibility to make fully functional and professional-looking sites in an hour or so. Create a website, blog or online store without any technical skills – sounds great! But is it really so? And in what cases one has to think about Weebly to WordPress move? 

Reasons to Weebly to WordPress Switch

In a market where websites need to be flexible and grow fast, the drawbacks of Weebly can affect the user experience. Limited template customization options, restricted features, and a number of pages are some drawbacks that make millions of users leave it in favor of other tools. In addition, Weebly doesn’t pay much attention to SEO, providing only basic features. As a result, there are many website owners who want to change their platform to more flexible CMS.

Is there a One-Fits-All Weebly to WordPress Solution?

At the moment WordPress presents the market leader opening broad opportunities for setting websites quickly and easily. This platform is indisputably an award-winning CMS in terms of multifunctionality and efficiency at the same time. WordPress is famous for the enormous amount of plugins that can help you to achieve the particular goal of your website.

In case you’ve developed your web project with the help of Weebly, but now wish to try out WordPress, keep reading and get to know how to do it the easiest way possible.

Move Weebly to WordPress: Let aisite Connector Application Do the Work

weebly to wordpress connector app

aisite Connector Application is designed to make your website migration an effortless, smooth and fully automated process. This app can be downloaded from the official Weebly App Center and establishes the connection between your Weebly website and aisite service for further process. No coding is required for the successful Weebly migration.

So, how this application helps?

  • Free Demo Migration helps to see the migration outcome beforehand;
  • 15 min is the average migration time;
  • Migrate the content you want. Choose how you want it to be and look on WordPress (Data ‘Mapping’ option);
  • Complete data migration price depends on the content volume you’re about to migrate to WordPress.

What does aisite Connector Application migrate?

  • Pages/Posts;
  • Categories;
  • SEO Tags;
  • Content Images;
  • SEO URLs;
  • Attachments;
  • User;
  • Images / attachments to content body;
  • 301 redirects.

More details, including additional options and customization services you can find here.

In addition, you don’t need to be concerned about lengthy website downtime – we guarantee that your source site will be 100% available during the transfer period! aisite will migrate your site from Weebly to WordPress in a few easy steps with no coding and extra installation at all. This migration utility will convert your website directly to your new CMS platform swiftly and accurately.

Just watch a video tutorial and make sure that Weebly to WordPress migration is a few-minute process. 

Now it’s high time to review the step-by-step tutorial for the fully automated migration process with the help of aisite Connector Application. Ready, steady… go!

1. Register an account.

To start Weebly to WordPress migration, fill in the registration form or log in via your FB or Google account.

aisite sign up

2. Choose Weebly as your Existing platform and specify the website URL.

At first, choose Weebly as your Current CMS and provide your site URL address. After that, press “Visit Weebly App Center” and install a aisite Connector Application. Establish the connection between your Weebly website and aisite service for further process.

aisite connect to weebly site

3. Provide Your New WordPress Website Details.

Now, choose WordPress as your Target CMS platform. In case, you don’t have your WordPress installed yet, you can try Migration to aisite Test Site.

aisite migrate weebly to test wordpress site

If you have your New WordPress already installed, provide its URL address and establish the connection by entering its login and password.

Be sure that this data is safe and private. We do need these details just to connect to your WordPress site in an automated manner. You can also do this manually by choosing an Alternative Method.

aisite connect to wordpress site

4. Run Free Demo Migration.

Before migrating Weebly to WordPress, aisite service offers you to preview the future look of your website and run Free Demo migration. Choose the Entities and needed additional options you are going to migrate. Also, you can choose the way Weebly content has to look after the migration. In case you want to migrate all your data without Demo, you may skip this step.

aisite weebly to wordpress demo migration

5. Start a Complete Transfer from Weebly to WordPress.

Before starting a complete migration to WordPress, you can check the Free Demo result. Press the button “Details” and you will see how your migrated posts look like on the new CMS platform. If you are satisfied with the result, you may complete the migration.

aisite weebly to wordpress demo results

If you are satisfied with the result, you may complete the migration. Choose the additional options needed and select the insurance. It will let you restart the migration once something goes wrong, without any additional payment.

aisite weebly to wordpress complete migration

6. Check the results!

That’s it! Your Weebly to WordPress content migration is finished.

aisite weebly to wordpress migration results

In case you are interested in creating a design for your renewed website or want to replicate the old one, order Desgin Customization service and aisite Design Team will mind all your wishes.

aisite design customization

That’s it! Now you are a happy owner of WordPress-powered website with all your Weebly content on it.

So, looks like you have finally found the solution for your Weebly to WordPress migration, haven’t you? See how fast and simple your migration can be if entrusted to the professional tool! So, if have decided to migrate your website, try a Free Demo Migration to preview the result.

Don’t waste your time anymore and move your website closer to success right now!

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Estimate Your Migration Price

I want to migrate:
Please Enter the Number of Forums
Please Enter the Number of Forums Topics
Please Enter the Number of Forums Posts
Please Enter the Number of Pages & Posts
Please Enter the Number of Users
Please Enter the Number of Comments
Please Enter the Number of Taxonomy
Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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