Most of us probably had a moment in life when teachers at school scolded and excluded us from classes for cheating. At that time, you found yourself at least in not so very pleasant situation.
CMS rules have absolutely nothing in common with the school rules. Cheating here is even more encouraging aspect, since it’s rather a memo, a lifehack, something to peep into when you’ve forgotten something.
Brace yourself, because now you’re going to become an experienced cheater 😀
Lifehack #1. Content
Firstly, look thoroughly through your web content and clean up the mess which is useless or obsolete data. Also, make sure your site is well constructed or completed. If no, there is no sense in migration. You don’t want garbage in, garbage out. First make a high-quality website.
The privilege of automated CMS migration is that it makes all the job for you. Images, comments, pages, posts, tags, etc. – everything of these can be transferred automatically, and sounds more attractive than manually.
Lifehack #2. SEO rankings
It’s all about staying on the top. At first glance URL change might seem tough. Not only you should create a new address and inform others about it. This threatens to reduce the amount of visitors on your website. If you act quickly, nothing of the mentioned above will happen. For this you have 301 redirect, along with SEO optimization tools which will become your friends and help you make your internet campaign more active.
It’s highly recommended to perform this process with pages which have high traffic. That’s because you want the increase the site’s browsing, not decrease.
With an automated tool you can keep calm and run awesome website.
Lifehack #3. Ice Age for your website
Management of the website’s contents and at the same time its update can put your site into ice-chamber, or simply freeze it. The longer it stays so the more it becomes “dead”. Why does it make “dead nature” to the site? Because it gives a room for website’s migration and makes the update slower. You should either stop migration or update though, it’s not the best solution.
An automated CMS migration tool gives you an opportunity to make everything as quick as possible, reducing the freezing to its minimum.
Lifehack #4. Broken links
You’d better pay attention to this small issue and fix it. Identify 404s and eliminate them. To do this you should adjust the rules of your previous platform to your current one. Your migrated with automated tool site almost reached the state of perfection.
Lifehack #5.New theme
It might seem not so important, though nonetheless we recommend to make a wise move and freshen up your website. It lets your visitors and users know that the website they’re using is still up-to-date and dynamic.
Lifehack #6. Preview
Try to look at your migrated website in the same way the users will look at it. Find out if everything works well. Check thoroughly your content and see if it’s appropriate and feedback productive.
We hope that every piece of advice provided here will help you renovate your website and make it better even more.