aisite: Drupal Featured Image Migration Available

Blog,Our News

We promised to keep you tuned about the latest improvements of our migration tool – and we stick to the word.

So, there’s good news for Drupal website owners (ver. 5.x, 6.x, 7.x) – from now on, Drupal featured images are migrated to the new CMS along with post images!

It means still less hassle with your Drupal migration and saving more time for pleasant tasks. Plus, your website will look pretty right after the move.

If website migration to the new CMS is in your closest plans, leave this job for professionals and escape the routine. aisite will make your site data import immensely fast and smooth. You wanna proofs? Start Demo Migration and see for yourself!

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Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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