Changing the existing CMS and move all the content to a new one may feel like a step in an unknown direction. Maybe you are unsure which software pick as a new one, you could be worried because of unknown features. All the familiar features will be replaced with a lot of unknown functionality. But regular updates are needed. Migrating to a stronger CMS is an awesome solution! And if you’re thinking of moving your website from DataLife Engine to another CMS, that’s your day!
What data could be transferred in a completely automatic way?
Static website content e.g. About us page
Articles posted on a page e.g. Blog post
Content categories and sections with preserved “parent-child” relations and posts belonging to them
Tags corresponding to certain posts of the source website
SEO Tags
SEO title, keywords, description of pages and posts of your source website
Post comments, including author name, email, created date, status, author
Content Images
Images corresponding to all posts and pages in the source site
Information about each user, e.g. Email, Login, First Name, Last Name, Nickname, user-created date
We do our best to keep your SEO URLs the same
Media attached to your posts e.g PDF files, mp3, videos, etc.
Meta keywords and descriptions
301 redirects
Automatedly redirect your previous URLs to the new ones to keep your SEO juice after migration.
The Free demo is available – a limited amount of data will be transferred, and you will see the estimated result! If you’ve been looking for a sign to launch this migration, that’s it! It’s the perfect day to update your website! So don’t wait any longer – Start a free demo migration from DataLife Engine to a new CMS and review how it works!