Simple Guidance For an Incredibly Easy Website Migration

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Helpful Tips

All things are difficult before they become easy

(Thomas Fuller)


“Enough! It can’t go the same way! I feel it in my bones that I lack something! I do need a new CMS platform!” – sounds quite familiar to you, isn’t it? Many website owners sooner or later realise that a web project is something that needs constant improvements. And moreover, having so many wonderful websites all around them, they want to keep up with that pace.

And the day has come! You became confident about the decision of moving, you even chose a new CMS home for your website, but the idea of a complicated and tiring copy-paste process prevent you from peaceful sleeping at night.

Let’s find out what are common ways for an uncomplicated website migration:

  1. Every person has to do what he/she was born for. Agree? Here I mean that there are web developers who will do the migration from A to Z with no delays. All customizations and special features are included, but be ready to pay a respectable sum of money, as far as such a service requires quite enough efforts and time.
  2. Some CMS platforms offer migration tools in the form of plugins. As a rule, they are unsophisticated and straightforward, so don’t rely content-rich website on such add-ons. In case your web creation counts rarely few pages, and you are ready to devote some time to the after-migration customizations, this way will suit you best.
  3. Can you believe that the content migration from one CMS platform to another can be done without a single Ctrl+С / Ctrl+V button pressing in a fully automated way? Sounds unreal? And what if I say that you can try the migration for FREE and see how it works for your very website? Got intrigued? Then, the following infographic will prove that Easy Website Migration DOES Exist!

Btw, in case you have already decided to migrate but didn’t create a fresh website yet, aisite service offers the opportunity to migrate to the test site and see how all your content will look like on the new home.

You see that a website migration can be an easy process if done properly. Start Free Demo migration right now and let aisite, automated migration service, reveal you from the migration pain.


Estimate Your Migration Price

I want to migrate:
Please Enter the Number of Forums
Please Enter the Number of Forums Topics
Please Enter the Number of Forums Posts
Please Enter the Number of Pages & Posts
Please Enter the Number of Users
Please Enter the Number of Comments
Please Enter the Number of Taxonomy
Migration Price:

* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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