Joomla! is a very powerful and mature CMS solution that makes it easy even for not so well-versed users build amazing and eye-catching websites. Similar to all software, Joomla has different versions that were added on later with improved and advanced features to make the system easier to use and more user-friendly.
Presently, because of the dynamic nature of web technologies – Joomla! is evolving as well, releasing new, more sophisticated versions. We are now in the era of Joomla! 3.x and many users are faced with a big dilemma – should they upgrade to Joomla 3 or not. Let’s dive in deeply and try to clarify the situation.
Joomla 1.5 has declared its end of life meaning that it is no longer supported or updated, that allows Joomla team of developers focus on the newer versions of the platform. Although the Joomla 1.5 platform is indeed reliable and stable, users should be planning an upgrade to version 3 due to the following reasons:
- Responsiveness (because Bootstrap is built in to the core of Joomla 3, it has become possible to get a website under control even when ”on-the-go”).
- Security Enhancements (because Joomla 1.5 websites are getting older, they become easier for hackers to hack in).
- Advanced Features (thanks to Joomla 3 advanced module settings, Joomla website running has become more comfortable).
Technically speaking, since changes between two versions are so large and substantial, it’s not updating – it’s indeed migrating.
Wish to Know More?
The infographic that is provided below makes its best comprising all your possible questions concerning Joomla upgrading in one place. So, take your time and find out all the tips and tricks of successful Joomla upgrade 1.5 to 3.0.