6 Reasons to Choose WordPress for Your Small Business Website

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,WordPress

For a small business with limited staff and budget, what’s the best way to get started with a website? Read the post to know why WordPress is a go-to platform in the majority of cases.

WordPress is a powerful open source CMS solution that provides its users with all of the tools required for unleashing the power of the web for small businesses. Many businesses owners develop their WordPress sites without ringing the bell of a developer while some turn to WordPress experts to get the job done. Either way you choose to proceed, using WordPress for business is a great way to get a website life for your company.

Why WordPress?

Here are 6 main reasons why WordPress is a perfect option for building small business websites:

wordpress 6 reasons for business

Open Source

Is that important for a small business owner? Yes, absolutely! Open source code means there are no licensing fees required to install, use, or upgrade your WordPress site. You can use the software anyway you choose and host your website anywhere you choose.

Easy to Use

One of the major benefits that WordPress provides for small business owners, is that you don’t need to be an Internet expert or an HTML coder to take a full advantage of the software. There is a very clean and easy to use dashboard along with a simple WYSIWYG editor that makes it extremely easy even for the greenest of minds to manage content.

Large Community

There is a huge WordPress community of developers, designers and users. Wherever you are located, you can find WordPress groups, WordCamps and a tribe of WordPress enthusiasts who are always ready to help you with nearly any aspect of your WordPress-based website.


WordPress is a pluggable framework that allows website developers to extend the core functionality of the software beyond its original purpose. There is a plethora of plugins available on the WordPress Plugin Directory and a lot more scattered throughout the web. So, whether you need a simple contact form or a full-blow e-commerce system for your business, you’ll certainly find the plugin to meet your business requirements.

seo-wordpressSEO Optimized

WordPress without any SEO plugins already gives you a head start with Search Engine Optimization. However, there is a pool of plugins aiming to help you enhance your SEO. Therefore, with little knowledge and expertise, you can have your site’s SEO working for you with no code manipulation. And there’s no shadow of a doubt that this is of vital importance to any business.

Mobile Responsive

With mobile website usage exploding, your customers will skip your site and go somewhere else in case your website doesn’t look great and work well on a smartphone or tablet. The WordPress dashboard is designed to work on smartphones as well as full-sized PCs — so you can easily manage your website from anywhere.

In Closing:

These are just the main benefits of WordPress for small companies. As you begin working with WordPress to build your business website, you’ll surely find many more advantages that are unique to you and your business.

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