While WordPress is the most prevailing force among bloggers and website owners, there are still many people willing to know more alternatives for a website/blog creation. Below are 6 best established alternatives to WordPress that should be considered carefully. It goes without saying that sticking with WordPress is a smart choice but is it always the right tool to use for the job? Surely not. For many people, WordPress is becoming bloated and somewhat complicated, especially for small scale websites that are much better with simpler CMS solutions. Being aware of what’s available except WordPress will not only help you choose the technology best-suited to your individual needs, but also make sure you’re able to run your website without too many hiccups.
So, if you’re looking for the most-used and talked-about WordPress alternatives, the infographic below comprises the options to be considered first:

In addition to this infographic, you can take a look at how other CMSs are doing in 2017.
So what do you think? Have you found your perfect CMS solution within the above-mentioned list? Or are you still firmly with WordPress? Feel free to share your thought/ideas in the comments section below. Finally, don’t forget that you may test out the CMS you’ve always wanted.