5 Top Articles: Year Summing Up

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Forum Platforms Reviews,HTML,Joomla!,WordPress

The end of the year always comes with the snow, winter holidays and lots of pleasant surprises. aisite automated website and forum migration service is not the exception and it presents you great news as well. The last day of the year is the best time to total all the pluses. That is why it will be very interesting for you to find out the articles which have been read the most during the whole long year. So, we present to your attention 5 blog pieces which are considered to be the best.

WordPress vs Joomla 2013 [Infographic]

The article which opens our list is about the constant fight between WordPress and Joomla CMS platforms. They are both extremely popular due to many reasons. But what WordPress and Joomla are very good at is providing everyone with the opportunity to get their own Home on the Net and cut down the time for learning.

Even when their history is well-known, it is very interesting for many people to find out more and more about these two platforms in order to make your choice: to switch from Joomla to WordPress or to migrate WordPress to Joomla. This article will help you with it by showing you the radical departure between them in the infographic.

How to Upgrade Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5: Tutorial

Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5Joomla CMS is one of the most popular platforms all over the world. It is naturally that this CMS is constantly developing and many new versions are often released. More and more people want to update their current website in order to try the newly backed possibilities. It should be mentioned that Joomla 1.5 is not supported any longer and that is why this article has become so popular and useful for many people.

So, here, in this article you will be able to find out all the necessary information on how to update your Joomla 1.5 website to Joomla 2.5.

Automated 301 Redirect: Preserve SEO After Website Migration

301 RedirectsThe opportunity lots of people have been waiting for so long is now available with aisite service. A new option has been released which is called  301 Permanent URLs Redirect. It’s just like magic stick which will help you to preserve all the visitors and ranking of your website after migration from one platform to another.

This 301 redirects option has become the greatest discovery of the year. All the information about it is hidden in this very informative article.

Choosing Your Ideal Forum Software: Top Features

Ideal ForumForums play a very important role in nowadays Internet society. More and more people join them each day and there are lots of the reasons for this. Forums give the opportunity to interact with like-minded people. It is possible to gether different ideas and thoughts and a forum can be an ideal place for knowledge base and friends round-up.

Before creating and running a forum it is necessary to know how to choose the right one. Moreover, you should definitely learn the features which have to be kept in mind while making the decision. For instance, what are you planning to use the forum for? Would it be the personal forum or for business, etc? In this article you will find out all the necessary information on how to make the right choice.

Static HTML vs Dynamic CMS: Choosing the Right One

HTML to WordPress, HTML to JoomlaPerhaps you have heard about two ways of site creations such as using an HTML web-programming language and developing a website on CMS platform. The first one can be called traditional due to the fact that it has been found earlier, when the second is a modern method. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages which should be analysed before building a web project. In this article you will find out the comprehensive overview of both of the methods and you’ll be able to choose one of them. Moreover, this piece of a blog will help you to make a wise choice: to follow the traditions and use HTML web-programming language to create a website or to rely on the modern discoveries which are CMS platforms.

Furthermore, an amazing opportunity to convert HTML to WordPress, Joomla or other CMS platforms which the HTML website owners who have been waiting for is real now. It is possible almost everything with aisite.

Now you know 5 most popular articles of the year on aisite blog. Tomorrow is the New Year which will bring even more interesting events, articles, etc. So, keep up following our blog in order not to miss your CMS updates and innovations.

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* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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