5 Things I Don’t Like about WordPress and How to Fix Them


WordPress has started as innovative, easy-to-use blogging platform. As the number of plugins, themes and widgets have increased, it has become a CMS suitable for any project format.  Now WordPress is the world’s most famous platform for website creation. Now, more than 50% of the CMS’s web pages are using WP,  the actual number  of sites is around 60 millions. If you are wondering, why so many users have a web project powered by WordPress, take a look at the following advantages:

  • Easy to install – if you are setting up the website manually, you can do it in a less than half an hour. Many hosting providers offer an automatic installation, which means you will have a website in 5 minutes.

  • FREE! – This platform has no installation or usage cost. At the same time,  there are thousands of free plugins and themes available.

  • Customization – WordPress has more add-ons and design solutions than any other CMS out there. Do you want to know, why WP has so many plugins and themes? The answer to this question is quite simple. As this is the most popular platform, all the designers and developers try to create an item for this CMS.

  • Ease of use – This content managment system  is powerful for web designers and efficient for beginners at the same time. With minimal instructions each user can take over the website management. WordPress is great for non-techies as it is very user-friendly and has a great support and many tutorials. Moreover, plugins make it simple to expand the functionality and create anything you want.

wordpress cmsOf course, WordPress is not perfect in each way. There are some things users keep complaining about. The amazing feature of WordPress is that, if you do not like something, you can always contribute the idea for a fix as it’s open source platform.

This article is not actually about the complaining, it is about some common problems and solutions to them. Let’s take a look at 5 complications you might face and provide the quick fix for them.

1.  The <p> Tags Around Everything

wpautopWhile working on a new post, you might notice that the paragraph tags such as <p> have been put around automatically everywhere in the page. This tag is called “wpautop”. In some cases, it is great that you have paragraph placed automatically and there is no need to put it manually.

However, in most cases it is annoying. Especially when the“wpautop” puts paragraph tags around the image and script tags. This might cause strange effects on page layouts, or can even break scripts. Then you have to go back, look for tags such as  <p> , and delete all not needed ones. Although, this “wpautop”, which automatically puts paragraph tags can be removed.

How to get rid of it? There are two different ways. First, you can add this code “remove_filter (‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’); ”  to your functions to kill it off.  The second one is that you can also use a RAW HTML plugin which will turn it off.

2. Losses while Switching Themes

WordPress ThemeIf you often switch between themes, then you know that feelings of lost widgets, menus, theme settings, and layouts. Widgets are the not problem anymore. Long time ago, the saving of widget has been improved. You won’t lose them and now it makes easier to go to another theme.  However, some themes have a complex homepage layouts, custom templates, and some extra functionalities that can’t be compatible with other themes. That is why if you change the theme, then you have to rebuild layouts and pages.

There are also some plugins you can use such as JP Theme Switcher Bar or Conditional Themes, Toolbar Theme Switcher and some others.

3. Switching HTML and Visual Modes

The beautiful page layout has been coded with semantic HTML. This site is formatted perfectly and looks great. You have to correct a couple of things, go to page edit screen, click visual mode, implement some changes around. If you press update, you nice page is destroyed.

For WordPress site, you need a TinyMCE editor which automatically  filters your code when switching between ‘Visual’ and ‘Text’ mode. You can also use a plugin  like Raw HTML Pro or even filter it out by yourself.

4.  Spam

Use antispam pluginSurely spam is not only WP’s problem, but the website powered by this CMS gets spammed more than any others. Any WordPress website with public comments or online forms will get spam for sure, and lots of it.  So, never forget to install some plugin which will save your web page from it. There is a lot of add-ons for spam prevention, in WP plugin directory, you might find more than 700 of them.

5.The Codes Can be Really Messy

Although WP is really simple to use, sometimes you might have problems with the code. When the code is written for you by any software, then it is not pretty at all. If you write it by yourself then it is as clean as possible. When WordPress software writes a code for your website it has a way better look than the code of any other CMSes. At the same time it is still a bit clattered. So, you have to clean it up on your own.

Note, that if you don’t want to have a code which looks bad, do not use visual editor. It can produce really weird stuff, so do not operate it a lot.

To Sum up

You can probably find some other WordPress errors, which pissed you of. The amazing thing is that, almost all of them can be fixed. If there are some other things to share, you are welcome to comment.

If, by any chance, you are using some other CMS platforms or have an HTML website, you can simply migrate your current web page to WordPress with aisite.  With this automated converting tool, you can move a website in a few minutes with no efforts at all.

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