3 Simple Design Tips Many Websites Ignore

Blog,Experts' Insights,Helpful Tips

If you’re trying to build a successful website and ultimately make more money from it – you’re probably spending a lot of time getting backlinks and increasing traffic. For good reason – these are two of the foundations of most successful online ventures. However, what if lots of that traffic is getting wasted because you’re ignoring a few simple design tweaks to your website? In this article, we’re going to look at how making these changes could help improve conversion rates and therefore make you and your business more money. The best thing about these tips is that they don’t take months to put in place like many other changes might. So let’s take a look….


1. Keep all calls to action clear and above the fold


This one seems straightforward – but you’d be surprised how many people bury their calls to action. Don’t be one of them. Keeping your call to action clear and prominent is probably the number one design tip that you can use quickly and easily to improve conversion rates and make more from your website.


Whether you want people to sign up to an email list, click through to an offer or make a sale in your store – make it clear. While you should have lots of quality content on your site – you don’t want too many distractions from your main offer. If you’ve got a long blog post, try a scrolling sidebar widget that keeps your call to action on the page no matter how far someone scrolls down to read your post.


If someone tries to exit your page – give them a pop-up with one last attempt to remind them of your call to action. Make it clear at every opportunity what you want someone to do on your site. While it may be obvious to you – not everyone who uses the internet is as experienced or really knows what they’re doing. The more distractions, or the less obvious your offer is – the higher percentage of visitors you’ll lose.


2. Use different landing pages for different types of traffic


When you’ve built a great home page – it’s not uncommon to want everyone to see it. But the reality is, this might not be the best way to make the most out of your offer or business idea. Certain traffic sources might be better off being sent straight to a different offer, your store, or something more specific to where they came from.


To make the most of this idea, you need to start building different, customized landing pages. If someone searches for a specific offer or solution, they might be better off being sent straight to a landing page that’s designed just for that rather than your catch-all home page. While your home page should probably be where most of your general traffic goes to – you could have different keywords taking people to a landing page that’s much more specific to their needs.


One problem with this is knowing exactly which landing pages work better for different types of traffic – and the only way to really know for sure is with a bit of trial and error – or A/B testing. Run a few different versions and tests to see which landing pages work best for different types of traffic.


3. Use better graphics


Lots of websites are still stuck in the past when it comes to their image choices. While those free stock image sites are great to a certain extent – if you use too many of them it sometimes screams cheap. If you want to show a more professional side to your business, consider paying for proper graphics, even exclusively.

One great way to present data in an informative and easy-to-consume way for your visitors is with infographics. If you can’t make them yourself – you can hire someone without it costing too much. Get a few exclusive infographics that are relevant to your business and it could set you apart from your competition.


Not only do good infographics make your site look more professional, they also present data in a more manageable way that could help improve sales. And remember – they might look great on your site, but there are loads of other places who’d also be interested in syndicating them. That gives you, even more, reach to improve traffic to your site, both from as a source of great backlinks and direct traffic.


These three tips are just a start when it comes to tweaking your site design ideas when trying to improve your business – but hopefully, some of them are what you need to take your web presence to the next level.

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