16 Go-To WordPress Resources

Blog,CMS Platforms Reviews,Helpful Tips,Tips and Tricks,WordPress

Knowledge is power.
Old saying

In our fast-paced world, lots of new trends and styles are implemented, new improvements are being released, new tricks are being tested. And wordPress is no different. New themes, plugins, and lots of other things are being added literally on a daily basis. Therefore, in this post we’d like to shine a light on the very best online destinations and communities dedicated to WordPress that are worth of your following.

WordPress Blogs


Founded back in 2009, WPTavern is often treated as one of the best WP online blogs ever. It is definitely one of those sites subscribing to which means that you don’t have to subscribe to 50 others – all of the most relevant and valuable news is presented to you here. WordPress Tavern is a welcoming community where those interested in the software can hang out with known experts to engage in enlightening discussions.

WPMU DEVwordpresss

One of the dominant WP authorities, WPMU DEV has an incredibly active and high quality blog that comes loaded with tons of tutorials, development tips, resources and reviews of free and premium themes. The blog is filled with new information on a daily basis, providing readers with both inspirational and fully technical articles to learn from.


WPMayor has been around since 2010 and has managed to prove itself as a great resource for WP users. It keeps on providing reviews related to WP plugins, themes and services, as well as helpful tutorials, guides, news, expert opinion, etc. Before installing some plugin or theme – take your time to check their reviews to make sure that they do what they’re supposed to and that they don’t contain viruses. WP mayor does that for you.


Torque is editorially independent magazine that aims to deliver all types of WordPress plugins, themes, tutorials, tips and all the recent happenings in the world of WordPress.  The Torque team made their debut in July of 2013 and since then tries its best to to connect developers with millions of people whose hobby or career is somehow connected to WP.


With over 6,000 regular readers, WPRecipes is a creative blog that provides answers to any possible WordPress-related questions. It has an archive of hundreds of hacks and hints for you to improve your site. Besides, every how-to guide comes with a code snippet and detailed instructions for you to know how to use it.

WordPress Themes

Template Monster

The biggest provider of WordPress themes with over 12 years on the market. The store also sells full website templates which are similar to ready-made websites and are used to get your site up and running in no time.

Elegant Themes

One of the most popular companies providing as many as 89 different themes for the price of one. There is a base of themes that are beautiful in design and simple in use. While some of them are responsive and the other are not – all of them are definitely worth checking.


Another ready-made WP templates provider. Great looking, well coded, bloat-free, their free themes will fit both small businesses and large corporations. You can download them at no cost and use for personal blogs, portfolio sites, corporate blogs or other projects.

Studio Press

The pioneer in the premium WordPress theme industry, it provides Premium WordPress themes based on the Genesis framework. Although their prices aren’t cheap – they are extremely intuitive, mobile responsive, with lots of intuitive layout options that make them suit greatly to beginners.



Founded in late 2007, ThemeForest has gone on to become the most popular WordPress Theme marketplace with an astonishing 1700 Premium WordPress Themes and counting.


Creative Market

Creative Market is an absolutely amazing place to buy beautiful designs, graphics, fonts, themes, photos, and more from independent creatives around the world. The main philosophy is to make the great design simple and accessible to everyone.

Envato Market


Envato Market is the leading marketplace that is dedicated to sell premium standard images, themes, project files, creative assets  and video resources  at the very reasonable price.

Mojo Marketplace

One more amazing platform that comes loaded with tons of resources for purchasing themes, plugins, design templates and images. Extremely intuitive to navigate, the marketplace provides a buy & install service and also includes FAQ about how to build up your brand’s online presence effectively.

Plugins Marketplaces

Easy Digital Downloadswordpress

The EDD marketplace provides its followers with a variety of themes, plugins and add-ons that complement and enhance the EDD shopping cart platform.

Pippin’s Plugins

Built by young WP developer, Pippin Williamson, this marketplace offers so many plugins that they alone could fill the WordPress Plugin Repository and Code Canyon.

CM Plugins

A WordPress plugins marketplace that offers a variety of free and premium blogging tools that will help improve your site’s content and accessibility, as well as add new features such as a downloads management tool.

Closing Remarks

This was just a quick look over the most promising WordPress resources, tailored for various site owners needs and sizes of their websites. Hopefully, this overview will help you to decide whether or not your site needs improvements, and if so, select the source that would fully satisfy your requirements.

If you have some other resources to share, feel free to do so in the comment section below. In case migration to WordPress CMS sounds like a good idea to you, you are welcomed to foresee the way your current site would look like on the most popular web option. You can test a free WordPress system migration by clicking on this link.

Mind that we do not transfer design. That’s the only thing you would need to do on your part.

Estimate Your Migration Price

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* The price of the full migration may change according to the number of entities

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