We all 'extract' web data.
That's the WHOLE point of the internet!
Some of us specialise, without even knowing it.
In our little corner of the internet you will find Data Scientists, Marketers, Businesses, Analysts, Hackers, Researchers, Search Engines, Marketing Companies, the data curious, and so many more. Everyone really!
In terms of making the efforts of aisite.ai ethical we adhere to the following principles.
If it is publicly available, and viewable – a human can see it online – then the data is public domain.
Global Rules
This is by no means comprehensive but shows some examples of organisations and practices that seek to define what is ethical and what is not in the field of data scraping.
You have SOPA on one hand and STOP CENSORSHIP
Then there is technical and non-technical censorship.
SOPA – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act
on the other side….
Here is the whole history of internet censorship better than we could ever write it.