Aside from reporting bugs we invite the submission of intelligence. We are even receptive to innuendo and market gossip. Feel free to disclose the nature of your intel and let’s discuss it. Opportunity abounds. Perhaps you have found a technical error, perhaps you have heard something in the market. Maybe you are looking for a new start, to incubate an idea, who knows, the point is, we are open, we are good listeners and we are generous when the situation warrants it.
Maybe your friends are more valuable than you think?
In addition to the above we are always receptive to warm introductions. Referrals, warm leads, call them what you will. Why beat around the bush – friends, colleagues and associates are often a great lead into fruitful business, opportunity and wonderful outcomes. Trust is a huge factor in all business, and our business has been built around it.
Further to that we are also on the lookout for awesome talent in our space, and always prefer to see someone we know, trust and love get a reward above a recruiter!